19 Sep Win a shopping spree at The Big Fashion Sale 2017
It’s allsales.ca’s 4th edition of the contest An inspiring woman @ The Big Fashion Sale! You know an extraordinary woman who stands out in your entourage, either through her daily actions, her personality or her life achievements?
You can send us her nomination, between September 19th and 29th, at noon (DST). She could WIN a dream shopping evening at the Big Fashion Sale in Montreal on October 19, 2017!
valued at a $1,000 at
at the following designers
It’s up to you to nominate an inspiring woman you know.
Nominate your inspiring woman here
The winner will get a limousine ride to the opening night of the Big Fashion Sale in Montreal, next October 19th. She will be given gift-cards to spend during the night at the following designers kiosks: Myco Anna, Judy Design, Slak, Message Factory, Moovment Design, Caracol, Anne-Marie Chagnon, Noujica. It’s up to you to nominate an inspiring woman you know. She can inspire you by her personality, her achievements or her actions in the day to day life. allsales.ca’ community will then vote to decide which person wins.
Thanks to the participating designers and good luck to everyone!