10 Tips to Optimize your Spring Cleaning

10 Tips to Optimize your Spring Cleaning

The days are getting warmer and we can feel the urge of cleaning our house from top to bottom. There’s nothing like a good spring cleaning to start the season off right, so here are our top tips and tricks for an efficient spring cleaning!


Cleaning an entire home is a big thing and you don’t want to forget anything. Start by going around the rooms and write down all the tasks you need to do. You can also search the internet for task lists. Use paper and pencil or your favorite note-taking application so you can check off the tasks when they are completed.

One room at a time

It’s easier to target one room at a time. You can see the progress, but you also limit the risks of “I started, but I didn’t have time to finish so the entire house is a mess!”.

Move and lift

Spring cleaning is an opportunity to push your sofa, lift carpets and rugs, move furniture and finally clean up everything hidden underneath or behind! Make sure to ask for help before moving heavy furniture to avoid injuries.


It’s time to declutter your space, not just clean it. Make a pile of thing you don’t need anymore and that you can drop off at an organization near you. You could also set aside some items if you plan on selling them, but don’t leave them lying around for too long!

Optimize storage

Once you only have the items that are useful or important to you, it’s time to optimize storage. For example, you could use transparent storage bins to better see what’s inside, or label the opaque bins so you don’t have to open them every time you’re looking for something.

Make it fun

Housekeeping isn’t everyone’s cup of tea! Make this moment more pleasant by opening the windows and let the fresh air in, playing your favorite music or listening to an entertaining podcast!

Get the whole family involved

There is no way you are doing all the work! Involve all family members in spring cleaning! Find appropriate tasks for each of your children and make it a family activity!

Don't try doing everything at the same time

Don’t try doing everything in one day, especially if you have a large house or have postponed cleaning for a long time. Give yourself time and separate the tasks over several days or weeks if necessary.

Save on household products

Make your own household products at home to save. Lemon, baking soda and vinegar do a lot of miracles! Read our blog post to see everything you can clean with lemon!

Reward yourself

After all this hard work, take time to reward yourself! Whether it’s a good home movie with popcorn, a glass of wine or a relaxing bubble bath, it’s important to plan something rewarding after cleaning. It might motivate you to start all over again the next day!

And you, what are your tips & tricks for an effective spring cleaning?