Discover C Comme ça creations

Discover C Comme ça creations

C comme ÇA - Petit Andouille et Comme des garçons

Logo-C-Comme-CaC comme ça is a concept born from the desire to combine design, ecology and everyday living. With formal training in art and design and also extensive experience with aboriginal communities, Cindy Cantin has made felt, a material used extensively by our ancestors, her material of choice. She discovered that it possesses many remarkable, yet unexpected properties; made of merino wool or recycled fibres, felt is sustainable, durable and water resistant.

Her custom-made protective sleeves for laptops, iPhones, iPods and iPads provide a natural protection for today’s most modern devices while her storage baskets or desk organizers bring a touch of warmth to contemporary interiors. Cindy combines felt, recycled leather and other diverse materials into clean streamlined designs. Playing with the modern as well as the traditional, she has developed a unique, timeless style; simplicity married with classical, or sometimes even vintage. All of these unique items are hand made in Montreal.




Discover C Comme ça creations at la Grande Braderie de mode québécoise de Montréal!
