18 Sep 10 years of history, 10 major events
Today, September 19th, 2019, allsales.ca is officially 10 years old! To celebrate this anniversary and to tell you more about our incredible journey, we present you 10 major events of our history.
2009 – Launch of allsales.ca website and first newsletter
It’s the beginning of a great adventure! Viviane and her mother, Angela, decided to create the company. They launched their website on September 19th. The visitors quickly asked for a newsletter and the first newsletter (in text format!) was sent on October 26th, 2009.
2013 – Allsales.ca in front of the Dragons
On May 13th, 2013, the Dragons, and all the province of Quebec, get acquainted with allsales.ca. The Dragons fell in love with our company, but in the end, it’s Alexandre Taillefer and Gaétan Frigon who will win the stake. A year later, the piece “La Suite de l’Histoire” assesses what has been done since our first appearance on the show. Review the piece here at the beginning of the 4th segment : http://ici.tou.tv/dans-l-oeil-du-dragon/S03E04
2013 – 10 000 times thank you!
On September 12, 2013, our Facebook page reached the milestone of 10 000 Likes! As allsales.ca continues to grow we move into an office on Desaulniers boulevard in St. Lambert.
2014 – Signing of the shareholder agreement
After several months of work with the Dragons Alexandre Taillefer and Gaétan Frigon, we finally concluded our agreement with the official signing of the shareholders agreement. A crew from the show Dans l’oeil du Dragon was even there to shoot the event!
2014 – Allsales.ca celebrates its 5 years!
On our 5th anniversary, we launched a really inspiring contest for all women! Our “Inspiring woman at The Big Fashion Sale” contest pampered a woman making a difference around her, either through her daily actions, her personality or her life achievements. After receiving more than 350 applications, ten were submitted to the Facebook community who chose the winner. Click here to learn more about our inspiring woman and see the video of her shopping spree at the Big Fashion Sale in Montreal : http://blog.allsales.ca/an-inspiring-woman-at-the-big-fashion-sale/
2014 – We chase sales!
Chasing sales has never been truer for our team. Together, we ran over 80 km preparing for our official 5 km race!
2015 – Launching of our mobile app
After several months of intense work, we launched our mobile application for iOS and Android! The app offered easier navigation for mobile devices and specific functionalities for the users such as saving their favorite sales in the app. Our app was named one of the best app for 2015 by the Google Play store!
2018 – Junkies together
On September, 2018, we created our two Facebook groups, Deal junkies and Accros des ventes, with the goal of bringing together all the shopping fans in Canada. It’s the ideal place to share our passion for sales and good addresses where to find great deals.
2018 – Our website is exploding!
On october 25th, 2018, our website reaches 25 million views!
2019 – Allsales.ca celebrate its 10 years!
On September 19th, allsales.ca will celebrate its 10th year anniversary. For the last 10 years, an enormous amount of work has been made. We reach today more than 200 000 consumers through our website (150 000 unique users), Facebook (35 672 subscribers), Instagram (845 subscribers), Twitter (2251 subscribers) or Pinterest (74 subscribers). Allsales.ca also owns a newsletter (more than 40 000 subscribers), a blog (more than 8 000 subscribers), an app (10 000 users) and two Facebook groups with almost 800 members. The perfect way to inform Canadians about sales and how to enjoy them.