28 Oct 10 activities to do on October 31st
You are too old to trick or threat or you simply wanna do an activity with your children and get a load of candies? These activities are for you!
Échappe-toi @ Pointe-à-Callière
Come live an escape game in the archeological city remains with DJ music. Various enigmas will make you run around the remains and you will get the occasion to meet characters that will help you free the governor’s spirit.
Where : Cité d’archéologie et d’histoire de Montréal at Pointe-à-Callière
When : October 31st
How much : $25
Details : https://pacmusee.qc.ca/en/calendar/event/echappe-toi-pointe-a-calliere/
Saint-Bruno’s Haunted house
The city of Saint-Bruno offers you a lugubrious haunted house for Halloween. You can visit it with or without monsters. Candies will be distributed. Animation will also be offered to you.
Where : At Albert-Schweitzer park’s chalet
When : October 31st, from 5 p.m.
How much : Free
Details : https://stbruno.ca/evenements/la-maison-hantee/
Halloween at Saint-Sauveur
Animation, carousel, haunted house, pumpkin decoration contest, laser tag and a bunch of other activities will be offered to you for Halloween at Saint-Sauveur! A parade will also take place at 6:30 p.m.
Where : At Georges-Filion park
When : October 31st, from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
How much : Free
Details : https://www.laurentides.com/fr/activites/la-frenesie-et-le-defile-dhalloween-saint-sauveur
Macabre walk
You will get the chance to browse around the des Champs-de-Bataille park with a lantern. You will discover obscure legends and the dark story of the park by meeting mysterious historical characters.
Where : At the des Champs-de-Bataille park (Quebec)
When : October 31st, at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m.
How much : $14,75
Details :http://www.ccbn-nbc.gc.ca/fr/activites/halloween/#marche
Des Limoges haunted house at Rosemère
This haunted house that exists since the 90s will know how to give you the chills! More than 30 monsters will perform on the Thriller song from Michael Jackson and will give you strong emotions.
Where : 140 Rose-Alma road, Rosemère
When : October 31st, from 5 p.m.
How much : Free, is accepting donations.
Details : https://www.facebook.com/events/1082271598649733/
80s Halloween party
The Cordova Coffee & Cocktails invites you to celebrate Halloween in Saint-Henri. Enjoy its terrace and its promotions on alcohol! Gifts and good music will be there for you. Don’t forget to put your 80s costume on!
Where : 4606, Notre-Dame West, Saint-Henri
When : October 31st, from 8 p.m.
How much : Free
Details : https://www.facebook.com/events/2550270558362933/
This horror course for 18 years and older isn’t a haunted house. It’s a completely realistic immersive course. Rooms filled with walking dead and horror decors will know how to make you scared.
Where : 2085, Drummond Road, Montreal
When : October 31st, from 5 p.m.
How much : $55
Details : http://malefycia.ca/
Bédard haunted house
This haunted house is organized by a Longueuil citizen who uses it to collect donations for the Opération Enfants Soleil foundation. This year the theme is a horror night at the Bédard hotel. Candy floss, popcorn, treats and chills will be there for you!
Where : 2568, Bédard road, Longueuil
When : October 31st, from 5:30 p.m.
How much : Free, collects donations for Opération Enfant Soleil foundation.
Details : https://www.facebook.com/MaisonHanteeBedard/photos/a.273476052758879/1317240028382471/?type=3&theater
La Prairie haunted house
It has been the most impressive haunted house of the south shore of Montreal for 14 years. It is all computer-controlled and offers a huge cemetery, a haunted tunnel and a bunch of monsters and special effects.
Where : 210, Pompidou boulevard, La Prairie
When : October 31st, from 6 p.m.
How much : Free, collects donations for Rêves d’enfants foundation.
Details : https://www.facebook.com/Maison-Hant%C3%A9e-LaPrairie-Haunted-House-Montreal-165793856780054/
Haunted Agora
This year again, the haunted Agora will give you strong emotions during its animated evening. Beware of the monstrous characters and lugubrious decors.
Where : 75, Maple boulevard, Châteauguay
When : October 31st, from 6 p.m.
How much : Free
Details : https://www.ville.chateauguay.qc.ca/halloween2019
We hope you will find your perfect activity for Halloween. But mostly, be careful not to die of fear!